Trip to KC, April 2004. As soon as I got into town, the engine quit.

First sign of trouble:

Closer inspection showed that the chain was piled up in the front sprocket, cracking the cover.

Towed to a friend's house, stuffed in the garage for the nite. Got on the phone and started chasing transport options. Decided to rent a truck to take it home (~200mi)

65mph, 5mpg. 200 miles. The radio said I had a 25mph headwind, with gusts.

Next morning, pulled the fairing and the tank. Photos of the carnage:

Okay, enough of those. Topside!

You can see clearly where the case is cracked in the following photos.

Sans sprocket cover:

Broken sprocket cover:

Sans chain and sprocket:

Fragmented part of cover:

Time of death.

More photos, cleaned up...